Competing against more than 500 nominations, we were delighted to be awarded Gold for Environmental Best Practice in Hospitality and Bronze for Environmental Best Practice Sustainable Development, in recognition of the company-wide integration of our sustainability programme for environmental improvement.
Hannah Irvine, our Sustainability & Environmental Manager explains “Our project aim was to build a continuous-improvement sustainability programme, focused on contract catering in the private education sector. Thanks to a full team effort, I was able to provide evidence that we are not only dedicated to feeding independent minds, but catering for sustainable futures”.
The awards are run by The Green Organisation – an international, independent, non-profit, non-political environment group that began in 1994 to recognise, reward and promote environmental best practice around the world.
Speaking after the event, Amy Roberts, Managing Director of Operations, expressed how pleased she was with the achievement of “full integration of a sustainability programme into our business, embedding environmental improvement as one of Holroyd Howe’s core values, bringing employees, clients, parents and pupils together on our sustainability journey”.